In my previous article, you might have learnt that we need to start SAS Deployment Agent service to run SAS Deployment backup and recovery tool batch commands. So in this article lets focus how exactly to start the service in Windows and Linux environment.
Note: This article is applicable only for SAS 9.4 as this backup tool is introduced in SAS 9.4 version.
Note: This article is applicable only for SAS 9.4 as this backup tool is introduced in SAS 9.4 version.
Starting SAS Deployment Agent service in Windows:
- It is easy to do this in windows since you can see all the services in Windows Services. Open Windows Services and check the status of SAS Deployment Agent. It should be either stopped or running. If it is stopped then start it.
- If you are not sure how to launch Windows Services, then open Run -> type services.msc in the text box. This will launch you the Windows Services window.
Starting SAS Deployment Agent service in Linux:
- In Linux you can check whether the service is running or not by giving ps -ef command. This will show the list of all running process. You can pipe it with grep command like ps -ef|grep deployment to filter the output.
- I hope your will be using PuTTy SSH client to connect to host machine runnning SAS Platform. For starting this service you need XTerm which is also an SSH client and it shows graphical contents. Read further to discover why you need graphical contents to be displayed for starting a service.
- To start the service you need to run the command (SAS Deployment Manager). It will be located in SAS installation diretory under SASDeploymentManager subdirectory. This command opens a graphical window from where you need to start the SAS Deployment Agent service. So you need use SSH client which can show you graphical content, I use Xterm in my environment. Once the window opens, select English and click OK.
- You will find several options related to SAS Deployment, as our goal is to start the service select Start SAS Deployment Agent Service radio button under Manage SAS Deployment Agent Service.
- Click Start
- Then click Finish
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