In this article you will get to know
where Metadata repository is stored physically and in Metadata level.
I have already posted article about
three different types of Metadata repositories and their uses. You can locate
any type of repositories using SAS Management Console.
Metadata Manager plug in shows repository location
Expand Metadata manager plug in,
under Active Sever you will find all the repositories configured in you SAS
environment. By expanding Active Server you can see the Foundation repository.
All the Metadata contents will be stored under this. There should be exactly
one foundation repository.
Physical location
In Metadata manager plug in, expand
active server and click on the foundation. You will get repository id,
repository type and repository path. Repository path shows the physical
location. It only show you the relative path.
In above figure, I have merged
snapshot of SAS Management Console and snapshot of physical location.
You can get details about the type
of repository and the repository ID. You can also see the format of Metadata
data sets are sas7bdat. You should use OS command line editor like vi or vim to
edit the file. Editing the file directly will corrupt and may cause severe
damage to metadata server.
Default location of Metadata
repository is SAS-configuration-directory/Lev1/SASMeta/MetadataServer
However you can use different
location for custom or project repository.
Metadata repository format
Metadata repositories are nothing
but tables in sas7bdat format. The sas7bdat is SAS dataset format. You should
not access those tables directly. These tables get locked while Metadata server
is in running state. If you to access repository tables, you should use
Metadata queries. It is safe to use Metadata queries because PROC Metadata,
Metadata management batch tools and DATA step function will be processed by
Metadata several.
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