IBM Process Manager patching steps:
Stop PM - If your PM was setup to use EGO then use EGO to stop or use root id to stop process manager. During the patching PM should be stopped.
[root@localhost ~]# . /sas/pm/jfd/conf/profile.js
[root@localhost ~]# cd /sas/pm/jfd
[root@localhost jfd]# jadmin stop
Shutting down jfd ...
jfd is being shut down.
Checking whether the jfd is stopped. It will take atlest 5 minutes to stop. In my first check it is not stopped but in second check it is stopped.
[root@localhost jfd]# ps -ef | grep jfd
root 1336 12194 0 12:00 pts/11 00:00:00 grep jfd
lsfadmin 43550 1 0 11:39 ? 00:00:04 /sas/pm/jfd/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/etc/jfd
lsfadmin 43604 43550 0 11:39 ? 00:00:00 /sas/pm/jfd/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/etc/eem.local
[root@localhost jfd]# ps -ef | grep jfd
root 1336 12194 0 12:00 pts/11 00:00:00 grep jfd
Copy Work directory:
[root@localhost jfd]# cp -a work work.20150619
I am copying orignal file from source and placing it under a folder named as pm_patch.
Backup original jfd :
[root@localhost jfd]# cp -a /sas/pm/jfd/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/etc/jfd /sas/pm_patch/jfd.original
Copy patch. Verify md5 sum and permission:
[root@localhost jfd]# ls /sas/pm_patch/*
/sas/pm_patch/74837.057.649.checksum_2_.md5 /sas/pm_patch/74837.057.649.readme_4_.txt /sas/pm_patch/jfd.original
/sas/pm_patch/74837.057.649.jfd_2_ /sas/pm_patch/jfd.20150616
In above folder /sas/pm_patch/74837.057.649.jfd_2_ is the patch I am going to apply. So I am copying it to the jfd directory.
[root@localhost jfd]# cp -a /sas/pm_patch/74837.057.649.jfd_2_ /sas/pm/jfd/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/etc/jfd
cp: overwrite `/sas/pm/jfd/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/etc/jfd'? y
It will ask whether to overwrite, type y
[root@localhost log]# ls -l /sas/pm/jfd/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/etc/jfd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 lsfadmin sas 9521256 Aug 1 11:12 /sas/pm/jfd/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/etc/jfd
Checking md5, md5sum is the command to get the check sum. Compare the original and copy like below:
[root@localhost jfd]# md5sum /sas/pm/jfd/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/etc/jfd
c74e5fb318441b2da3f504486e205de1 /sas/pm/jfd/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/etc/jfd
[root@localhost jfd]# more /sas/pm_patch/74837.057.649.checksum_2_.md5
c74e5fb318441b2da3f504486e205de1 jfd
Clean log and start PM:
[root@localhost jfd]# cd log
[root@localhost log]# ls
eem.localjobs.log.localhost jfd.log.localhost jfd.log.localhost.bkup
[root@localhost log]# mv jfd.log.localhost jfd.log.localhost.1
[root@localhost log]# jadmin start
Starting up jfd ...
Verify log and Flow Manager.
[root@localhost log]# grep daemon jfd.log.dc4coj
2015 Aug 1 12:06:13 3828 3828 5 Process Manager daemon started.
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