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Showing posts from March, 2016

What are the process that run when SPDS server is started in SAS?

Issue: How to check SPDS process is up or not. Solution: After you start SPDS server following process should be running. spdsnsrv - Name server component Central starting point for SPD server spdssnet - SPD SNet server component Interface between clients other than SAS clients and the name server spdsbase - SPD user proxy Process started by the data server for each user access or query. spdsserv - Data server component Validates the user credentials and starts a SPDSBASE user proxy spdslog - Logging process Writes the server name server, and snet server logs and recycles the logs at specified times. Note: data server and proxy process should always run on the same machine because proxy process is started by data server process. Other process can run in different machine.

Find column name of all SAS table that matches specific patter

Issue: I need to find out all the column name for all the table in a specific library, table name with specific string. Solution: To get all the column name for all the table in all the library use below code: PROC sql;   SELECT name     FROM dictionary.columns; QUIT; To get column name from specific library: PROC sql;   SELECT name     FROM dictionary.columns     WHERE libname='MYLIB'; QUIT; In the place of MYLIB use the libref of the library. To get column name for specific table: PROC sql;   SELECT name     FROM dictionary.columns     WHERE libname='MYLIB' and memname like 'EWF%'; QUIT; The above query will get you the result for all the table that contains string starting with EWF. Reference:

How to find number of SAS process running in the server?

Issue: You may be needing the number of current SAS process running in your server. Using this you can estimate the load capacity of you server or find out if the huge number of SAS session is causing any delay in code processing. Solution: We can get the details of this using ps command. PS is a unix/linux command which will show you process running in your server. You can find out by searching the pattern that contains sas.  Command: ps -ef | grep /opt/sas/software/SASFoundation/9.2/sasexe/sas | wc -l In above command, the search pattern may change depending on the environment. To know the details of process you can use below command.  ps -ef | grep /opt/sas/software/SASFoundation/9.2/sasexe/sas | awk '{print $1," ", $2," ",$5}' 

X Display error when running SAS from Putty

Issue: I get following errors while running SAS from Putty. ERROR [00000009] :user - ERROR: The connection to the X display server could not be made. Verify that the X display name is correct, and tha t you have 2016-03-01T10:55:17,351 ERROR [00000009] :user -        access authorization. See the online Help for more information about connecting to an X display server. 2016-03-01T10:55:17,351 ERROR [00000009] :user - 2016-03-01T10:55:17,351 ERROR [00000009] :user - ERROR: Device does not support full-screen. Solution: This error occurs when you don't use the -noterminal option. Use noterminal option to prevent SAS from using X display. This option is required when you run PROC IMPORT or PROC EXPORT statement. SAS support reference -