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Showing posts from June, 2024

SAS Mirror Manager: Downloading Specific Releases

SAS Mirror Manager: Downloading Specific Releases SAS Mirror Manager: Downloading Specific Releases The Problem While using SAS Mirror Manager to download software assets, I noticed that despite specifying a deployment assets file (using `--deployment-assets`), the tool was consistently downloading the latest release instead of the release specified in the provided file. Initially, it was unclear if this was a bug, a misunderstanding of the documentation, or if I was verifying the downloaded release incorrectly. Investigation After careful examination of the documentation and troubleshooting steps, the core issue was identified: * **Default Behavior:** By default, if no specific release is specified, SAS Mirror Manager defaults to pulling the most recent release available. This default behavior explained why the deployment assets file's release information was seemingly ignored. The tool needs an explicit instruction to prioritize the assets file's release.