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Web Server not starting in SAS 9.4

Recently I faced issue with activemq, because of which the web services were not starting in SAS 9.4. I followed below mentioned steps as workaround to bring up the services for the error I faced.

Follow these steps if only the web server don’t come up, and you notice the error mentioned below:

Error message:

2015-12-03 23:49:54,066 | INFO  | Using Persistence Adapter: KahaDBPersistenceAdapter | | main
2015-12-03 23:49:54,187 | INFO  | KahaDB is version 4 | | main
2015-12-03 23:49:54,229 | INFO  | Recovering from the journal ... | | main
2015-12-03 23:49:54,230 | INFO  | Recovery replayed 1 operations from the journal in 0.026 seconds. | | main
2015-12-03 23:49:54,384 | INFO  | Apache ActiveMQ 5.7.0 (localhost, ID:*******-29526-1449204594252-0:1) is starting | | main
2015-12-03 23:49:54,606 | INFO  | Listening for connections at: tcp://******-***:61616 | org.apache.activemq.transport.TransportServerThreadSupport | main
2015-12-03 23:49:54,607 | INFO  | Connector openwire Started | | main
2015-12-03 23:49:54,608 | INFO  | Apache ActiveMQ 5.7.0 (localhost, ID:*********-29526-1449204594252-0:1) started | | main
2015-12-03 23:49:54,608 | INFO  | For help or more information please see: | | main
2015-12-04 00:08:32,344 | WARN  | Transport Connection to: tcp:// failed: Connection reset | | ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///
2015-12-04 00:08:32,344 | WARN  | Transport Connection to: tcp:// failed: Connection reset | | ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///
2015-12-04 00:08:32,345 | WARN  | Transport Connection to: tcp:// failed: Connection reset | | ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///
2015-12-04 00:08:32,344 | WARN  | Transport Connection to: tcp:// failed: Connection reset | | ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///


1) Stop all the SAS web services. It is important to make sure services are down,  if we follow next steps without proper implementation of this step it can make issue worst

Command to use ->    ./sas.servers stop
2) Check if all the services has stop using below commands:

Command to use ->   ./sas.servers status (o/p all should be NOT UP)

ps –fu sas  (should not show any process running with this process. Example is shown below)
$ ps -fu sas
sas      673   672  0 Dec03 pts/1    00:00:00 bash
sas      767 56888  0 Dec03 pts/3    00:00:00 bash
sas     4984  4983  0 Dec03 pts/7    00:00:00 bash
sas    11853  4984  0 00:54 pts/7    00:00:00 ps -fu sas
sas    56888 56887  0 Dec03 pts/3    00:00:00 bash
sas    61502 61501  0 Dec03 pts/5    00:00:00 bash

We use sas user id to start/stop services in our environment. User id will differ in your environment. The above output shows I have opened putty sessions (bash). There shouldn't be any other process running related to SAS web services.

3) Take the backup of location /sas-config-directory/Lev1/Web/activemq/data in some other location.

Command to use ->  cp -a /sas-config-directory/Lev1/Web/activemq/data  <location where space is enough>

4) Delete all the files and folders under the location /sas-config-directory/Lev1/Web/activemq/data using command:

Command to use ->  rm -r  /sas-config-directory/Lev1/Web/activemq/data/*

Use the above command carefully. It is DELETE command.

5) Run the ulimit command

Command to use ->
ulimit -d unlimited
ulimit -m unlimited
ulimit -n 65000
ulimit -s 10240
ulimit -u 65000
ulimit -v unlimited

6) Restart the Web services.

Command to use -> ./sas.servers start ( o/p should show UP)

7) Check the portal is up or not.

Reference SAS KB -


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