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Getting SAS App Credentials Required Prompt in Enterprise Guide 9.4, how to fix?

Wondering if anyone can help me with answer to this question. We have set up a new SAS server, we have a service account with "Login as batch job" permission setup for the connection to SASApp. In the User Manager in SAS Management Console, we have multiple users and groups setup for access. Our problem is, while the service account can be used to connect to SAS App and the user accounts can be used to make the initial connection to the server, the users don't want to have to enter in the credentials of the service account each time they open up SASApp. Other than using the SASApp account for both the initial connection, I can't think of any other way to cache those credentials (if that's even possible). Additionally, is there any way users who can connect to the server can use SASApp without having that "Logon as batch job" permission? We have a multitude of users who will be using this server (along with many who will be added on down the road), so the availability to request such a change through our security department is unlikely.

You know what ? The userid and the service account probably both have DefaultAuth, so SAS first forwards the user’s account, when it fails and you enter the service account, if works. Humour me, change the workspace server to abcAuth and set the service account also to abcAuth, to try and force abcAuth as the first selection. You’ll need to restart the Object Spawner after making the change.


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