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SAS Studio connections from Windows Server setup

Our site have a Windows server installation of SAS 9.4 TS1M5. We access it from remote desktop mode (i.e. we remote into it and open SAS Enterprise Guide or DM to run stuffs, or schedule batch jobs via sas.exe).  No mid-tier, just a single server.   I found out about SAS Studio Basic at MWSUG, and needed to check if we could set it up to allow connections in SAS Studio rather than having to remote in. Subsequent to introducing M5 update with Studio 3.7, we set it up to incorporate SAS Studio Basic; it appears to begin, and I can connect to localhost:38080 with no issue.

However, I don't seem to be able to connect from my local machine.  I've got the Server team looking at things, but they think the ports are fine; there's an opening for 38080 both inbound and outbound, and sasstudiohost.exe is allowed for all ports on the domain (I'm testing from the domain).  But I still get "server not found" when I try to connect to the server from my local machine.   Is there anything else on the SAS configuration side, or a common issue that we might be overlooking? 

The issue should be related to firewall after all. You might have opened up the 38080 port, but there can be a separate rule which will blocking SAS's java runtime explicitly.  You need to check if this is something set up by Networks team, or if it was put in automatically by SAS; but apparently the java runtime needs to be able to pass through the firewall as well. 


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