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sas.exe has stopped working

When I try to run a code to connect to Oracle DB I get message saying sas.exe has stopped working.

Full Error Details:
ERROR:  An exception has been encountered.

Please contact technical support and provide them with
the following traceback information:

The SAS task name is [OBJECT_EXECUTIVE]
Exception occurred at (3F350BF5)
Task Traceback
Address  Frame     (DBGHELP API Version 4.0 rev 5)  3F350BF5 0351F35C  sasioora:tkvercn1+0xFBB5  62A2FB57 
0351F398  sasxdbi:tkvercn1+0xEB17  675611A0 0351F5EC  sasyhl:tkvercn1+0x160  6778D6C2  0351F758  sasyh:tkvercn1+0x2C682  6778C976 
0351F8F8  sasyh:tkvercn1+0x2B936028CB91C  0351FAA8  sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x1A8DC 028B26EA  0351FB34 
sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x16AA  028B15E2 0351FB74  sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x5A2028CF04D  0351FC2C  sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x1E00D  028F5C10 0351FDF0 sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x44BD0 028F990D 0351FE74 sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x488CD 028F3D0F 0351FEAC sasxshel:tkvercn1+0x42CCF  5861351 0351FF28  sasxobj:tkvercn1+0x311  01C53254 0351FF74  sashost:Main+0xD424  01D47038 0351FF88  sashost:Main+0x1012087546ED6C  351FF94  Kernel32:BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 76FF377B  0351FFD4 ntdll:RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0xEF  2 
The SAS System                  14:50 Tuesday, November 6,2012

0351FFEC  ntdll:RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0xC2

Check whether your license have following line - SAS/ACCESS ORACLE. Without this license you won't be able to access Oracle DB.

In your software depot you need to have the following file:
C:\SAS Software Depot\products\oraclebndl__93210__win__xx__sp0__1


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