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Command to get historical jobs ran via SAS grid

SAS Grid used LSF for load sharing. LSF will store all the jobs ran in a file This file is stored under your cluster directory. Usually cluster directory will be under lsf work directory.

Below is where LSF stored in our environment. 


You can get formatted output by running bhist command. For some reason in our environment it doesn't work. So we used the raw file and parsed with custom code.

The file is space delimited and you can get the column info from IBM link.

For lines starting with JOB_NEW below are the column name.


A new job has been submitted. The fields in order of occurrence are:
Version number (%s)
The version number
Event time (%d)
The time of the event
jobId (%d)
Job ID
userId (%d)
UNIX user ID of the submitter
options (%d)
Bit flags for job processing
numProcessors (%d)
Number of processors requested for execution
submitTime (%d)
Job submission time
beginTime (%d)
Start time – the job should be started on or after this time
termTime (%d)
Termination deadline – the job should be terminated by this time (%d)
sigValue (%d)
Signal value
chkpntPeriod (%d)
Checkpointing period
restartPid (%d)
Restart process ID
userName (%s)
User name
Soft CPU time limit (%d), see getrlimit(2)
Soft file size limit (%d), see getrlimit(2)
Soft data segment size limit (%d), see getrlimit(2)
Soft stack segment size limit (%d), see getrlimit(2)
Soft core file size limit (%d), see getrlimit(2)
Soft memory size limit (%d), see getrlimit(2)
Reserved (%d)
Reserved (%d)
Reserved (%d)
Soft run time limit (%d), see getrlimit(2)
Reserved (%d)
hostSpec (%s)
Model or host name for normalizing CPU time and run time
hostFactor (%f)
CPU factor of the above host
umask (%d)
File creation mask for this job
queue (%s)
Name of job queue to which the job was submitted
resReq (%s)
Resource requirements
fromHost (%s)
Submission host name
cwd (%s)
Current working directory (up to 4094 characters for UNIX or 255 characters for Windows)
chkpntDir (%s)
Checkpoint directory
inFile (%s)
Input file name (up to 4094 characters for UNIX or 255 characters for Windows)
outFile (%s)
Output file name (up to 4094 characters for UNIX or 255 characters for Windows)
errFile (%s)
Error output file name (up to 4094 characters for UNIX or 255 characters for Windows)
subHomeDir (%s)
Submitter’s home directory
jobFile (%s)
Job file name
numAskedHosts (%d)
Number of candidate host names
askedHosts (%s)
List of names of candidate hosts for job dispatching
dependCond (%s)
Job dependency condition
preExecCmd (%s)
Job pre-execution command
jobName (%s)
Job name (up to 4094 characters)
command (%s)
Job command (up to 4094 characters for UNIX or 255 characters for Windows)
nxf (%d)
Number of files to transfer (%d)
xf (%s)
List of file transfer specifications
mailUser (%s)
Mail user name
projectName (%s)
Project name
niosPort (%d)
Callback port if batch interactive job
maxNumProcessors (%d)
Maximum number of processors
schedHostType (%s)
Execution host type
loginShell (%s)
Login shell
timeEvent (%d)
Time Event, for job dependency condition; specifies when time event ended
userGroup (%s)
User group
exceptList (%s)
Exception handlers for the job
options2 (%d)
Bit flags for job processing
idx (%d)
Job array index
inFileSpool (%s)
Spool input file (up to 4094 characters for UNIX or 255 characters for Windows)
commandSpool (%s)
Spool command file (up to 4094 characters for UNIX or 255 characters for Windows)
jobSpoolDir (%s)
Job spool directory (up to 4094 characters for UNIX or 255 characters for Windows)
userPriority (%d)
User priority
rsvId %s
Advance reservation ID; for example, "user2#0"
jobGroup (%s)
The job group under which the job runs
sla (%s)
SLA service class name under which the job runs
Thread number limit
extsched (%s)
External scheduling options
warningAction (%s)
Job warning action
warningTimePeriod (%d)
Job warning time period in seconds
SLArunLimit (%d)
Absolute run time limit of the job for SLA service classes
licenseProject (%s)
IBM Platform License Scheduler project name
options3 (%d)
Bit flags for job processing
app (%s)
Application profile name
postExecCmd (%s)
Post-execution command to run on the execution host after the job finishes
runtimeEstimation (%d)
Estimated run time for the job
requeueEValues (%s)
Job exit values for automatic job requeue
resizeNotifyCmd (%s)
Resize notification command to run on the first execution host to inform job of a resize event.
jobDescription (%s)
Job description (up to 4094 characters).
Submission extension field, reserved for internal use.
Num (%d)
Number of elements (key-value pairs) in the structure.
key (%s)
Reserved for internal use.
value (%s)
Reserved for internal use.
srcJobId (%d)
The submission cluster job ID
srcCluster (%s)
The name of the submission cluster
dstJobId (%d)
The execution cluster job ID
dstCluster (%s)
The name of the execution cluster
network (%s)
Network requirements for IBM Parallel Environment (PE) jobs.
CPU frequency at which the job runs.
options4 (%d)
Bit flags for job processing

If you are creating report via Excel then you can use below formula to convert epoch time to normal time.

 B3 is the column were you can paste epoch date.


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